In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, often neglecting the vital connection between our minds and bodies. However, in recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the profound impact that this mind-body connection has on our overall well-being. Pilates places equal importance on the mind-body connection, integrating breath with movement to enhance both physical and mental benefits.  Journal of Educational and Social Research states, “First, Pilates training requires practitioners to place complete mental focus on a given body area. Concentration helps draw attention to the area of the body being focused on, thus potentially augmenting neuromuscular function and movement quality” (Zafeiroudi and Kouthouris 2022).

In classes at Niche, we prioritize educating our clients not only on proper technique and form but also on the significance of breath and body awareness. Every movement in Pilates is accompanied by a specific breathing pattern – an inhalation or exhalation – that serves to facilitate movement, engage muscles effectively, and enhance overall body control.The breath serves as a powerful tool for engaging the deep core muscles, including the transverse abdominis and pelvic floor, which are essential for stability and support. Inhaling deeply allows for expansion of the ribcage and diaphragm, while exhaling fully engages the deep core, creating a strong foundation for movement and reducing the risk of injury. This is why you will hear instructors at Niche cue you to feel your core engage on the exhale. We don't just cue breath for the sake of it – every inhalation and exhalation is purposeful, designed to optimize movement quality and enhance the mind-body connection. We believe that by integrating education about breath and body awareness into our Pilates classes, we empower you to not only achieve your fitness goals but also cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself and your body.

By synchronizing breath with movement, Pilates cultivates mindfulness and body awareness, allowing you to focus your attention inward and connect with sensations in your body. This heightened awareness not only improves movement efficiency but also fosters a deeper understanding of physical capabilities and limitations. This connection lies at the heart of the Pilates method, offering a holistic approach to exercise and education. Through conscious breathing, core engagement, mindfulness, and relaxation, Pilates promotes harmony between the mind and body, facilitating optimal health and well-being. 

For example, a side plank can be done on both the Reformer and Mat. Here is how you  would hear this exercise cued with breath during Niche’s classes: Inhale deeply through the nose to prepare and lengthen the spine. Exhale as you press into the ground and lift hips off the mat. Inhale to maintain stability in the plank position. Exhale slowly and with control as you lower hips back down. Next time you do a side plank, really try to connect with your breath and see how that helps assist you in the movement!


Zafeiroudi, Aglaia and Kouthouris, Charilaos. Somatic Education and Mind-Body Disciplines: Exploring the Effects of the Pilates Method on Life Satisfaction, Mindfulness and Self-Compassion, Journal of Educational and Social Research, July 2022


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